Swarovski Laser Range Finder Looking to buy Swarovski Laser Range Finder cheap price? We offer best deals Swarovski Laser Range Finder for sale.
Amazon.com Combining the high quality standards of Swarovski Optiks with the latest laser range-measuring technologies, the Swarovski Laser Guide brings you closer to nature than ever before. The Laser Guide offers an 8x magnification and a 30mm objective lens diameter, helping the unit produce accurate distance readings up to 1,600 yards away. Just as significantly, Swarovski's patented binocular expertise helps the Laser Guide produce perfectly clear images. In fact, the unit's unique technology makes the guide incredibly accurate even in poor weather conditions, so you can still take readings in driving rain or heavy snow. Other details include an LED display with an automatic brightness control and aiming circle, a scan mode that produces instant readings from target to target, and a compact, lightweight housing. About Swarovski Optik Swarovski Optik owes its rise to Wilhelm Swarovski, son of the original founder and an avid hobby astronomer, who decided to build his own improved binocular in 1935 at a mere 17 years of age. With access to the specialized glass production and finishing technologies already used to manufacture jewelry stones in his father's factory, Wilhelm managed to develop a novel prism fabrication and grinding process that he applied in constructing his first 6x30 binocular. Wilhelm went on to found Swarovski Optik KG in Absam, Tyrol, in 1949, thus laying the foundation for a sports optics company with a global reputation. His company's first serial product, the Habicht 7x42, is still an industry standard in the field of hunting optics and continues to be produced in the best tradition of its founder. Features
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